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  • Sian Elvis: sian.elvis@heightslegal.co.uk
  1. About Us
  2. Partnership/Shareholder Agreements

We Help your Business Grow

Heights Legal is a straight-talking law firm with personality that comes to you. We pride ourselves on delivering the power of commercial law with the minimum fuss and disruption.

Partnership/Shareholder Agreements

Running a company/business, we are often too business focusing on trading our business to consider regulating our relationship as partners or shareholders in the business/company and yet failure to do so can have serious consequences and even lead to the downfall of the business/company.

Events will happen during your relationship as partners or shareholders. Unfortunately disputes can arise. A dispute within a partnership resulting in a partner leaving could bring the partnership to an immediate end whereas in a limited company a shareholder may exit and unless you have a shareholders agreement or have amended the articles of association of the company to provide for the compulsory transfer of shares should a party exit the business, that shareholder will retain his shareholding unless agreement can be reached. If he/she retains her shareholding, this could prevent you paying dividends or should you sell the company in the future, the shareholder who has exited would be entitled to a share in the proceeds.

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